Friday, January 2, 2009

Here we go again. Again.

Hello Blog. It's me.

Listen, I'm gonna' cut right to the chase here, I've been ignoring you. But not anymore. We're going to bring this bitch back to the glory days. No, screw that, the new days are gonna' make the glory days look like the last days of Pompeii!

And I realize I make this declaration at least once a month, and we're at the starting line of a new year, and everybody makes lofty, idealized goals that flat line before the hangover's lifted, but this time I mean it baby! Let's make this work again!

This is Josh at the start of 2009:

I still reside in the Perpetually 1986 apartment. There was hope of escape, but some prick named Dean Barkley ran for senate and yadda-yadda-yadda, Josh can't leave 1986 until the end of May. My landlady aka Sgt. Coo-Coo Bananas is still Coo-Coo Bananas. She's in town for the holidays, and she's been letting herself in when I'm not here and, among other things, cleaning and turning down my heat.

My show "Casting Christmas" ended its run on New Years Eve. If the show were Bruce Willis, then the final weekend was Hans Gruber shooting the glass forcing the bare-footed badass to limp his way to the finish line. A majority of the cast was stricken with SARS, rendering me the best singer in the entire ensemble. (Keep in mind on opening night, the director suggested I "forget" to turn on my mic during the songs) One-by-one, all the cast was infected, culminating in our lead child actress to puke herself out of the closing show, forcing a mid-show Bewitched switch. In the end, I was the only cast member to be uninfected. I credit my health to Airborne and excessive drinking, which kills germs AND brain cells, neither of which I need.

Tony N' Tina's Wedding opens in a week and we are currently in intensive all-day rehearsals. It's a strange process because the audience is the final and most important cast member, and they've yet to show up to rehearsal. What I do know is that in my previous show I only appeared in a fourth of the show, but this one I'm out there for the full two and a half hours, and I have a song that the mic will be turned on for. If "Cha-Cha Slide" counts as a song.

All right blog, admittedly, I brought my C+ game to this missive, but you know what? It doesn't matter. Cause I'll be updating you again soon. Still not daily, but soon.

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